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The Queen Bee of our Kitchen, aka our new blue Ilve range we call Beatrix, finally took her rightful place in our new kitchen. There is still finishing work like paint touchups, caulking around marble, millwork and baseboards and of course we haven’t yet cleaned or styled the kitchen, but BEHOLD! I knew you all would want to see her before the full kitchen reveal :).
Funny story about Beatrix … when contractor took her out of the box and got her set up to come in the kitchen (she’s been in the garage since fall!) I was taken aback. Beatrix was wearing BRASS HEELS! Ha! I laughed and laughed because I wasn’t expecting her fancy feet at all. I didn’t order them, but yet, would I expect anything less from Queen Beatrix? She was dressed like a Queen!
As those with style say, the shoes make the outfit and now I can’t imagine her any other way. So with the surprise of her fancy feet, we altered our original plans for the baseboards a little bit to make sure her lovely heels were in view :).
By the way, if you missed the story on why her name is Beatrix, you can find it in this post: Adding Character in a Kitchen Remodel: The Tale of Our New Range and Faucet.
Beatrix is an Ilve Nostalgie 30 inch duel fuel range in Blue Gray /Grey. (This one, but in 30 inch). I ordered mine directly from an appliance store that had the color and size I wanted in stock. With supply chain issues over the past couple of years, I didn’t want to take any chances on delays or cancellations!
I went around and around on which range to get, what size, what finish, but this one was the right choice for us. This was the range I wanted from the beginning but I always do my due diligence with a major purchase to study all options, look at all price points, as well as read reviews to make sure I’ve considered each possibility. It’s exhausting to think so much but I like to feel confident that I made the best choice I can make given our needs and circumstances. Since I continued to come back to this range, we knew she was the one for us!
We love Beatrix! We haven’t cooked with her yet so I’ll report back once we do so I can share more. So far though we’ve tested the stove and oven and all of the knobs and everything seems to function well. It’s really a lovely range. We’re excited to start cooking in the kitchen soon and I’ll share more about it soon.
The amount of decisions one must make in a renovation is mind-boggling. I don’t know if I could handle the amount of decisions needed to build a new home ha! But, now that I’m seeing each piece come to life and am able to envision it all decorated, I couldn’t be happier. Sometimes being an over thinker pays off :).
I will share more on why we chose each detail in upcoming posts, but if you have any questions so far, feel free to ask in the comments!
As I’m waiting for the final touches on our renovation, I’ve had fun gathering pretty things for our new kitchen shelves! I’m extra excited to add plates to our new plate rack :).
Related Posts:
11 Things I Bought for Our Kitchen (Decor and Organization)
Catch up on all of my kitchen remodel (+ tiny cottage) posts here