Text by Katie Ellis
A flowering window box is as iconic to one’s cottage curb appeal as a white picket fence or welcoming front porch. Let these simple tips be your guide as you try your hand at a signature cottage delight for your home.

Choosing the proper window box is the key to success. Be sure to consider its practicality before being won over by its appearance. It must be appropriately wide and deep to accommodate the roots of whichever plants you choose each season. A perfectly sized window box will pay off when it raises healthy and vibrant plants.

Before selecting your florals, it is imperative to start with high-quality potting soil for your window box. The soil should retain moisture and drain well, and it should be replaced annually. To help with drainage and lighten the container, which can become heavy with saturated soil, add packing peanuts to the bottom.

Using plants of varying heights can add depth and will make each plant more visible within the planter. By layering tall plants behind those that thrive close to the soil, you can easily create an expertly arranged container.

And finally, enhance your home’s exterior charm by thoughtfully selecting color for your window box garden. Choosing a hue that contrasts with your home’s exterior will draw the eye directly to the blooms. This is also a great opportunity to use a favorite color that might be too bold to commit to in paint. Peruse some of our favorite styles below.
Subtle Simplicity

If bright colors don’t suit your cottage, muted tones can create an elegant statement. Choosing multiple plants in the same shade provides interesting texture and subtle style.
Pop of Personality

Window boxes offer a wide array of appeal in their flexibility. They add instant personality to the façade of a cottage and invite color and sweet fragrance indoors with the opening of a window. Whether neat and uniform or lush and overflowing, the addition of a window box cheerfully welcomes guests and brings cottage charm to the home.
Trailing Beauty

For additional dimension, incorporate trailing plants in your arrangement. A window box with gorgeous cascading blooms and lush greens brings an air of enchantment to your cottage.