This week we’re combing through the Remodelista archives for some of our all-time favorite summer stories. Here’s one:
Here’s a DIY tablecloth for Fourth of July that’s so easy that truly anyone—from kindergarteners to the arts-and-crafts-averse—can make it. Perhaps best of all? It’s blessedly understated, which means it can have a life well after the fireworks are over.
You don’t need any tools (just a couple new pencils, a box, fabric, and some paint) to make this blueberries-inspired DIY tablecloth. Why blueberries? Aside from the apple, is there a more American fruit? Besides, “July is prime time for this seasonal fruit. Why not give it the 15 minutes of fame it deserves?” says David Stark, our go-to expert for event design and the mastermind behind this clever project.
Below, the three-step instructions for crafting this exceedingly easy DIY. Note: While David and his team opted to make a tablecloth, you can just as easily fashion placemats, a picnic blanket, or a butcher-paper runner using the same method.
Photography by Corrie Hogg and Susie Montagna for David Stark Design.
The Materials

- Acrylic paint, in brown and two shades of blue
- Fabric or paper
- Pencils with new erasers
- Small paint brush
- Small box or box lid
Step 1

Step 2