Introducing an amazing estate in Houston, TX
City: Houston, TX
Price: $20,000,000
Bedroom: 5
Baths: 6.5
Sq. Ft.: 12,209
Property: 1.01 Acres
Neighborhood: Inner Loop West
Year built: 2005…
The art of sending letters might seem nostalgic in the digital age, but beautifully made paper goods are like a solid black dress. They never go out of style. Whether you’re sending a handwritten birthday card or a heartfelt Thank You, nothing says…
Whether you’re an avid gardener or have a budding interest, you’ve probably seen buzz over the AeroGarden and other small-scale hydroponics set-ups. What’s the hype all about? Are these little systems even worth it? I did the calculations for you!
With grocery…
Photography by Laura Negri Childers, Interior…
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Remodelista armchair-traveled to the Southwest this past week for design inspiration, specifically to New Mexico, southern California, and other hot and dry (and chic) locales.
Above: An adobe and stone home in New Mexico gets an artistic renovation in House Call:…
| Published on May 25, 2023
If you’re into magnificent homes and luxury home real estate pricing, here’s a list of the most expensive home in every US state for June 2023.
I love putting these types…
In the era of mass manufacturing– and at a time in which handmade items are enjoying renewed primacy— knitting and the art of making one’s own clothes has never been more attractive.
Handcrafted luxury brands like Elizabeth Suzann and Alabama Chanin are…
The second summer rolls around, I can’t get enough of lavender. This gorgeous ornamental is a garden staple, filling the air with a sweet fragrance and attracting your favourite pollinators. Get more of this purple perennial and learn how to propagate lavender…