Circles intuitively are a safe shape that encourages us to feel joyful, comfortable, and peaceful. Just by adding a few circles to your garden design, you can completely change the feeling of your garden. Here are a few ways to add a…
Photography by Marcy Black Simpson, Styling by Harriet Alley
Text by Katie Ellis
Open the door to this 1948 classic post-war-style bungalow and find a space filled with natural light, cozy…
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Months before they ripen and drop, green walnuts are dramatically aromatic. If you chance upon a walnut tree in summer, reach up and rub a plump, green nut. The scent released is floral, wildly herbal, and instantly uplifting. Apart from that startling…
| Published on Aug 2, 2023
Xeriscaping isn’t limited to the desert or areas with drought; everybody can actively work to conserve water in their gardens. You can xeriscape your garden to help save water, time and money. Here are the best xeriscape ideas to try and some…
Photography by Tuck Fauntleroy; Interior designs…
For a dose of color in the bath: A selection of characterful basins set the tone for a particular palette or for standing out in contrast. Here are our 10 most favorite colorful bathroom sinks.
Above: Azzurra Ceramica Forma Wash Basins…
As you look over your garden, something catches your eye. There’s a powdery grayness on the leaves of your lilac and maybe your peonies. Maybe your roses or dogwoods have it too. You have powdery mildew. What is powdery mildew, exactly?…
| Published on Aug 2, 2023