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Choosing the right dining rug enhances style and functionality. It should extend 18-24 inches beyond the table for smooth chair movement. Standard sizes include 6×9 ft for small tables, 8×10 ft for medium, and 9×12 ft for large. Round tables pair well with 8 ft round rugs. Prioritize durability and easy cleaning for a lasting, practical choice.

Dining table rug size

Calculating the Best Size

  • Size: Choose a rug at least 18-24 inches larger than your table on all sides for smooth chair movement.
  • Measurement: Measure your table (including extensions), round up to the nearest foot, and add 3-4 feet to each dimension.
  • Common Sizes: Typical dining rugs are 8×10 or 9×12, ensuring enough coverage.
  • Shape Matching:
    Round table: Use a round or square rug.
    Rectangular table: Use a rectangular rug.
    Oval table: A rectangular rug works best.
  • Wall Clearance: Keep at least 1-2 feet of space between the rug and walls for a balanced look.

Dining Table Rug Size Chart

Consult this chart to help determine what dining room rug size you need when you are looking to purchase a new rug.

0”- 48” round table 8’ round rug, 8’x 8’ square rug (96”)
60” round table 9’x 9’ square rug (108”x108”), 10’x10’ (120”x120”)
42” x 60-70” oval table 8’x 10’ rectangle rug (96”x120”)
49” x 97” oval table 9’x 12’ rectangle rug (108”x144”)
36” x 60-70” rectangle table 8’x 10’ rectangle rug (96”x120”)
32” x 76” rectangle table 8’x 10’ rectangle rug (96”x120”)
36” x 84” rectangle table 9’x 12’ rectangle rug (108”x144”)
39” x 90” rectangle table 9’x 12’ rectangle rug (108”x144”)
41” x 108” rectangle table 10’x 14’ rectangle rug (120”x168”)
72” inch round table 12’x 12’ square rug (144”x144”)
42” x 84” rectangle table 9’x 12’ rectangle rug (108”x144”)
30-42” x 96” rectangle table 9’x 12’ rectangle rug (108”x144”)
30-42” x 120” rectangle table 10’x 14’ rectangle rug (120”x168”)

Oversize Rather Than Undersize

Measure your dining table and choose a larger rug if between sizes. A bigger rug enhances elegance and prevents chairs from catching on the edges.


A dining room rug endures constant movement from chairs and feet, so choose a durable material. Long-lasting options include polypropylene, nylon, sisal, polyester, seagrass, and wool.

Easy to Clean

Choose an easy-to-clean rug for your dining room. Flatweave and short-pile rugs prevent food from getting trapped, while wool rugs offer durability and easy maintenance.

Dark Colored Rug

Dining room rugs sustain wear and spillage from food and drinks. Dark colored rugs will hide wear and stains better than light rugs.

Practice Makes Perfect

Determine your measurements for the rug size for your dining table. After you do this, create an outline in painter’s tape to see if you like the way the size looks with your table.

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