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This week we are reminded that home is not just a structure but a collection of memories, a connection to what we love, a safe space to retreat to, where years of planning and life savings take the tangible form of walls and floors and rooms. Our hearts are in California and with all who have lost their houses, belongings, and loved ones. If you are able, the LA Times has a list of ways to help; here are a few more, spotted via friends:

  • Airbnb is offering free stays to those displaced by the fires; if you’re in the area and have a spare room, you can sign up here to host.
  • Shoppe Amber Interiors’s Pacific Palisades location succumbed to the fires this week. Its founder, Amber Lewis, has gathered a great list of local places that are accepting material donations for those affected.
  • Garde is donating a percentage of proceeds to organizations helping with relief efforts all month long.
  • Alder & Co. in upstate NY is collecting clothes this weekend to send to LA; info here.
  • If you’re in LA and in need, Rudy Jude is bundling sample and past-season clothes for those who need it. Info via @rudyjudeco Instagram Stories.
  • April Valencia is also organizing a clothing and bedding drive (clothes for babies, kids, and adults; towels and sheets; suitcases and bags; clothing gift cards; and more). To contribute, check @april_valencia‘s Instagram Stories.
  • For those outside LA, WildLather is collecting clothes and “anything useful or that brings comfort” for those affected; DM @wildlather for mailing address.

To all our LA readers and design community, take care. If you’re in need of a bright spot, read on:

breeland-harper-justin-chung-12 Above: A recent favorite in the City of Angels: Italianate Minimalism in Silver Lake by Breland-Harper. Photograph by Justin Chung.

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