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Decluttering is often a New Year’s Resolution. Some people find just the thought of decluttering overwhelming. So the job is deferred over and over again. One 2025 trend is decluttering with a purpose–even with an attitude. Determine that you are going to get it done this year. Here are some helpful suggestions for 2025.

Declutter home trends

Start Small But Be Thorough

Pick a small area like the junk drawer or catch-all closet. Set a time limit–15 or 30 minutes to declutter the area. Be ruthless and relish your success when the time is up.

The One In, One Out Rule

The one-in, one-out rule has been around for some time but is trending on social media as a decluttering plan for 2025. For every item you buy, you must dispose of an existing item in your house–preferably from the same category. Lipstick for lipstick, clothing for clothing, etc. You can still buy 5 T-shirts. You just have to dispose of 5 old ones.

Didn’t Know Or Forgot Decluttering

Pick an area to declutter–junk drawer, storage closet, makeup, personal hygiene, etc. Go through all of the items quickly. If you do not know you have it or forgot you have it, you probably need to get rid of it. Throw it out, recycle it, or donate it.

Get Rid Of The Paper

All kinds of papers pile up in your home–tax files, magazines, junk mail, books, etc. Paper products use up a lot of space. Get rid of everything you don’t need.

  • Tax Files. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) states that you must keep tax records for three years–in most cases. Shred or burn anything you don’t need.
  • Instruction Manuals. Most manuals are online. Toss manuals for things you no longer have.
  • Catalogs. Out-of-date catalogs serve no useful purpose.
  • Magazines and Newspapers. If you are not going to read them again, get rid of them.
  • Receipts and Statements. If you don’t need them for returns or proof of purchase, they don’t need to take up space.
  • Books. If you are never going to read them again, trade them into a second-hand bookstore, sell them at a garage sale, give them away, or recycle them.

Decluttering Influencers

The trend of people documenting and posting their decluttering efforts and adventures online is growing exponentially. You can watch the videos for inspiration or join in and pass your experiences on to others.

Subscription Decluttering Services

Virtual and subscription decluttering services are a big growth industry in 2025. Choose a service that offers video consultations and decluttering guidance to get your decluttering under control.

Get Rid Of Expired Products

Including all of the single socks you are saving expecting their mates to show up. Expired food, cosmetics, spices, and medicines often get buried in pantries, cupboards, and even at the back of the refrigerator. Using expired products can be dangerous. Cleaning out shelves and storage areas creates more room for new purchases. Use up anything that is getting close to expiring.

  • Food. Check “Best Before” dates on all food products–canned, condiments, and packaged. It is often surprising to discover how old they are. Check all condiments, spices, and packages that you are using and get rid of expired ones.
  • Medicine. People often keep old medicine when they get refills–”just in case”. Don’t. Toss it out to be safe.
  • Personal Care. Expired skin care, makeup, sunscreen, and personal care products can irritate your skin once they get older because the ingredients can break down and separate. Toss them out.

Electronics and Cables

Everyone seems to have a box of old phones, computer cables, keyboards, and even computers that will never be used again. Take them to an electronics recycling center.

The 12-12-12 Decluttering Method

The 12-12-12 decluttering method is making an online comeback in 2025. It is simple. Once every year, season, or month–whichever timespan your clutter requires–find 12 items to throw out, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to store in their proper location. This is a quick easy way to deal with 36 items in less than a day.

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