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While writing about creative atelier Dora Daar a while back, we came across the work of interior design firm Conti, Cert (the two studios partnered on a project). Founded by Andrea Conti and Isabel Cert, the Barcelona-based agency is known for its simple yet refined style. Every project is distinctive, but a through-line of modern timelessness runs through each.


We were particularly taken with an airy rooftop apartment they worked on a couple years ago. Today, Andrea gives a tour of its modern-meets-classic kitchen.

Photography by Salva Lopez, courtesy of Conti, Cert.


&#8\2\20;the former kitchen was placed in the middle of the house (where no 14
Above: “The former kitchen was placed in the middle of the house (where now you can find the living room), dividing it into two very different areas,” she explains. Moving it to one end created better flow. The steps to the left lead out to a roof terrace.


the space isn&#8\2\17;t large, but there&#8\2\17;s enough room for a di 15
Above: The space isn’t large, but there’s enough room for a dining table to seat four. The vent hood is covered with painted MDF boards for a custom look. The globe sconces are from Flos.


basic white tiles in classic running bond pattern and macael marble countertops 16
Above: Basic white tiles in classic running bond pattern and Macael marble countertops were chosen because they are trend-proof. The building dates to 1880 and both Andrea and her clients were keen to maintain its old essence.


custom cabinetry painted a smoky green adds subtle color to the neutral palette 17
Above: Custom cabinetry painted a smoky green adds subtle color to the neutral palette. A “false ceiling” was removed to reveal the apartment’s vaulted architecture.


in the hallway, a wall of cabinets conceals the refrigerator and ample storage. 18
Above: In the hallway, a wall of cabinets conceals the refrigerator and ample storage.


just outside the kitchen, an inviting rooftop terrace. 19
Above: Just outside the kitchen, an inviting rooftop terrace.


For a tour of the rest of the charming home, be sure to check out Old at Heart: Keeping the ‘Essence of Barcelona’ Alive in a Remodel by Conti, Cert.


For more kitchens of the week, see:

N.B.: This story originally ran on November 24, 2022 and has been updated.


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