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On our November to-do list: add a simple and stylish bird feeder to our garden to help our little winged friends get through the winter. Here are 10 modern designs we have our eye on.

All Living Things Bird Feeder Above: All Living Things Wild Black and Wood Feeder has a mid-century modern look and measures 10 inches across and 15 inches high; $29.99 at Petsmart.
bird feeder from Germany at Connox Above: Germany-based designer Sabine Meyer’s Side by Side Bird Roof Just For Birds comes with a starter “dumpling” of bird seed and is $15.96 at Connox.
Reycled Plastic Suet Feeder Above: From Birds Choice, the Suet Feeder for Single Cake is made of recycled plastic and comes in various colors. It’s good for chickadees, purple finches, titmice, jays, nuthatches, bluebirds, woodpeckers, house finches, and towhees; $22.99.
bird feeder glass orb by Eva Solo Above: A Gardenista favorite, a set of two borosilicate glass Mini Bird Feeders by designer Eva Solo is $37.81 at Connox.
Livio Urban Garden Bird Feeder Above: This A-frame Urban Garden Bird Feeder has powder-coated galvanized steel sides and a platform made of Siberian larch wood; $79.65 from LIVIOUrbanGarden on Etsy.
Eva Solo De Luxe Bird Feeder Above: Another minimalist and elegant design from Eva Solo, the Copper Bird Feeder in copper is $145 at MoMA Design Store.
Silo Bird Feeder Above: The Bird Silo is made from recycled plastic and available in green (pictured) and red. “Common diners include chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, and woodpeckers.” It’s $70 at DWR.
Modern Farmhouse Sunflower Seed Bird Feeder Above: You’ll find plenty of tube-shaped bird feeders on the Duncraft site, but this one, the Modern Farmhouse Sunflower Seed Bird Feeder (good for finches and cardinals), is simple and clean-lined; $59.95.
Shift Beekman Bird Feeder in White Above: We’ve gushed before about the Beekman Bird Feeder by Shift—see Object of Desire: A Cheerful Bird Feeder, Made in the US—and it remains one of our favorites. Pictured in white (also available in yellow), it’s $135 at Boxhill.
John Hollington Bird Feeder Above: Meant to be mounted to a tree or wall, John Hollingtoon’s Circles Bird Feeder, made from sustainbly sourced European oak, was inspired by the works of American architect Louis Kahn and Italian Modernist Carlo Scarpa; £89.

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