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As the world supply of handmade mugs and platters comes close to saturation point, a number of ceramic artists have begun making table lamps. Their work celebrates the maker’s hand and the endless possibilities of glazing.

Much of it also calls to mind the last great ceramic table lighting moment, in the 1960s, when Scandinavian studios sent their designs all over the world—you can find examples for sale from just about every midcentury specialist. Here, 10 contemporary counterparts that shed new light on the form.

from ceramicah of la, the tera lamp stripe, shown here in medium, \$\1,895, com 17
Above: From Ceramicah of LA, the Tera Lamp Stripe, shown here in medium, $1,895, comes in three sizes and many glazes—and is also available from Trnk. Ceramicah is run by Micah Blyckert and Alexandra Cadiz, a couple who are both former architects.
&#8\2\16;above: the barro negro collection from l&#8\2\17;aviva home is 18
‘Above: The Barro Negro Collection from L’Aviva Home is made in collaboration with Amando Pedro in his workshop in San Bartolo Coyotepec, Mexico. The pieces, including this Barro Negro Lamp, $1,675, are barro negro clay.

“The deep, inky color is the result of the unique properties of this indigenous clay combined with a firing process in which the smoke and heat—and deprivation of oxygen—creates an intense carbonization effect,” writes Laura Aviva. “Prior to being fired in an underground wood-burning pit, the pieces are burnished with a curved quartz stone, marking the clay with a subtle sheen.”

made by project \2\13a&#8\2\17;s ceramics workshop in portugal, the triangu 19
Above: Made by Project 213A’s ceramics workshop in Portugal, the Triangular Table Light in White is $1,320 from Claude Home. The woven shade is 90 percent wool.

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